What is SuctionShield?

A simple, affordable and effective disposable suction shield for healthcare facilities & hospitals.

SuctionShield 101

SuctionShield is a disposable suction tip holder and presents a simple solution to the complex issue of fighting healthcare-associated infections. By placing the oral suction tool in a clean, single-patient, 24-hour use SuctionShield container, oral secretions are collected and stay where they belong thanks to the innovative design. The process is simple. The cost is low. The impact is undeniably powerful.

Step #1 - Patient Date & Time Stamp

  • Following CDC guidelines, change tubing, suction tip and SuctionShield within 24 hours.

  • Date & time reminder can be placed on the front with sticker.

SuctionShield follows 24 hour use guidelines

Step #2 - Strap SuctionShield to Rail

  • SuctionShield attaches to any horizontal rail of varying thickness.

  • Insert strap into the opening, flush with the side body.

  • An audible ratchet / zip tie sound will be heard when tightening the strap.

  • Pull strap down to ensure TIGHT hold and avoid tipping.

SuctionShield - Disposable Suction Shield

Step #3 - Front Aperture & Tubing Detail

  • Bent tubing can be placed into small front opening to shut off suction noise.

  • Bent tubing into front opening can also help with weight distribution and avoid tipping.

Step #4 - Release Latch & Disposal Details

  • Push up on release button to loosen strap.

  • Pull strap up to detach strap around rail.

  • Recycle SuctionShield in appropriate medical recycling bin.

Suction Shield - Disposable Suction Shield - Strap
SuctionShield strap details



  • For best practice strap SuctionShield to top of bedrail to avoid tipping issues.

  • Smaller inset photo shows SuctionShield strapped to bottom of bedrail, patient bed is angled up, and suction tip is unstable.

SuctionShield strapped to top of hospital bed.


  • Do NOT insert strap into the release latch, this does NOT secure the strap around the rail.

  • To avoid SuctionShield from tipping over pull strap down tight over the rail. To offset the bulky tubing, utilize the front aperture for weight distribution.


  • The suction tip is placed in the wider opening on top. This allows for air drying of the suction tip. When suctioning is on all secretions are sucked into the recepticle, keeping secretions where it belongs. The SuctionShield remains dry .

  • SuctionShield is deep enough to hold the entire suction implement keeping everything contained.

SuctionShield holds the entire suction tip


  • DO NOT rinse and repeat. This runs the risk of employee exposure to the contaminated secretions and droplets.

  • SuctionShield is FDA approved and adheres to the CDC guidelines on 24 hour use and changing of tubing and suction tips.


  • Recycle SuctionShield in appropriate medical recycling bin.